Pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran

Pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran diagnoses, treats and prevents musculoskeletal problems in children and adolescents. Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali, pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran, works with specialized knowledge and high skill in treating any kind of bone injury in children.

Correct diagnosis of the type of disease and timely treatment of musculoskeletal problems of children and adolescents prevent serious complications in the future and help children grow naturally. In this field, the pediatric orthopedist can recognize the signs and symptoms of diseases and choose a treatment method if needed by interacting properly with the parents and effectively communicating with the child.

Choosing the best pediatric orthopedic specialist doctor in Tehran may be a bit difficult, but by knowing the type of expertise of these doctors and knowing the important criteria, you will make a good choice and the health of your children will be guaranteed.

Pediatric orthopedic specialist
The skeletal structure of children's body is very important because of its important role in growth, movement and protection of body organs. Healthy bone growth is supported by proper nutrition and medical care.

Many malformations of children are usually congenital and improve over time until the age of 4 years, and sometimes they arise due to improper nutrition and lack of vitamins such as D and calcium. However, there are also situations where children face serious musculoskeletal injuries, and correct diagnosis and choosing the best type of treatment for them is the duty of a pediatric orthopedic specialist.

After completing general medical courses and gaining expertise in the field of orthopedics, a pediatric orthopedic specialist is trained in the field of treating children's diseases and musculoskeletal problems. The expertise of these doctors includes all treatments related to congenital problems, sports injuries and bone and joint diseases.

Duties and services of pediatric orthopedic doctor in Tehran
Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali, a pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran, takes into account the sensitivity and complexity of children's growth and their skeletal and muscular problems, and uses special treatment and care methods that are appropriate for each child's condition.

The duties and services of a pediatric orthopedic specialist are:

Treatment and management of child developmental disorders
In the process of physical and skeletal development of children, problems usually occur that cause abnormality, deformity, movement or growth disturbance. Types of developmental disorders in children include:

Bone softness
Scoliosis (spine deviation to the sides)
Leg shift (turning the leg inwards)
Bracket foot (turning the foot outward)
Hip dysplasia
short stature
Smoothness of the soles of the feet
Hip dysplasia
These developmental disorders usually occur for the following reasons:

underlying diseases
These diseases are treated by Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali, a pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran, with minimally invasive methods such as physiotherapy, braces and casts, or drug therapy. If the doctor diagnoses, they choose surgery to treat severe bone problems.

Treatment of sports injuries
Children are more exposed to injuries such as bone fractures or joint strain and dislocation due to risky behaviors, whether in sports or during play and recreation.

The treatment of these injuries depends on its type and severity, the place of injury and the general condition of the child. Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali performs treatment after accurately diagnosing the injury through clinical examination and performing MRI or CT scan.

The set of treatments that are performed for sports injuries in the children's orthopedic clinic include:

Compress and ice therapy
Prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs
Use of braces and casts
Fracture repair surgery or ligament surgery (using platinum and screws or other advanced techniques)
How to choose a pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran
There are many key criteria for choosing a pediatric orthopedic subspecialist. These criteria are:

Academic degrees and specialized and advanced courses
Before choosing a doctor, make sure that he is skilled in the field you are looking for and has seen the course. Types of sub-specialties in pediatric orthopedics include: sub-specialty of bone developmental diseases such as rickets, sub-specialty of scoliosis and spine, sub-specialty of sports injuries such as fracture, muscle strain and sprain, sub-specialty of congenital anomalies.

Skill and experience
In addition to the educational qualification, the high skill of the doctor in the treatment of bone and joint abnormalities of children is very important. The smallest medical mistake in the treatment of children disrupts their bone and motor development and the child's future is destroyed.

Orthopedic center facilities and better access to the doctor
When choosing a pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran, you should first consider the treatment facilities of the orthopedic center. The clinic is equipped with all kinds of orthopedic devices, surgery rooms, MRI and scanning machines, and a beautiful and fantasy environment to attract the attention and psychological safety of children.

Access to the doctor is also very important, so it is better to choose a center where the roads leading to it are quiet and without traffic.

What is the difference between pediatric and adult orthopedics?
Orthopedics for children and adults is mainly related to the stages of physical development and the type of their problems, and for this reason, it requires different treatment methods.

These differences include the following:

The person's response to treatment
It is quite clear that children respond more quickly to treatment due to their ability to grow faster and develop bones. Therefore, the type of treatment that is usually chosen for children includes minimally invasive methods. Maybe in rare cases when the situation is serious, the pediatric orthopedic doctor chooses surgical treatments to improve the child, but still, the recovery process is better and faster in children.

In pediatric orthopedics, due to the flexibility and softness of bones and joints, physiotherapy treatments are usually associated with more results and effectiveness. In adult orthopedics, physiotherapy is only a complementary method along with other bone and joint treatments.

Summary of the article

The pediatric orthopedic specialist plays an important role in maintaining and ensuring the bone and muscle health of children. Using their knowledge and skills in specific fields of treatment, these doctors help children to have no problems in their development.

Optimum growth, prevention of developmental abnormalities, and improvement of bone and muscle diseases that occur for various reasons are achieved as a result of choosing the best pediatric orthopedic specialist.

Dr. Hamidreza Abu Ali is a pediatric orthopedic specialist in Tehran who treats congenital anomalies, developmental problems, sports injuries and unemployment related to children's joints, bones and muscles.

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