Rhinoplasty without surgery


Rhinoplasty without surgery is one of the techniques of nose surgery in which the shape and sagging of the tip of the nose is corrected. With the advancement of medicine, methods such as filler injection, nasal botox, nose lift using thread and various other methods are used which are very suitable for changing the shape of the nose. To know how to perform these procedures, contact Dr. Karamatullah Torabi's office and get the necessary information.


Another way to shape the nose is to use a plasmajet device to lift the nose. Doctors who are highly skilled in this field usually prefer this type of procedure over surgery.


What is rhinoplasty without surgery?
Rhinoplasty without surgery is actually one of the techniques through which doctors correct the shape and sagging of the tip of the nose. The reason for using this method is the fear of surgery. Some people prefer this method over nose surgery due to the lower cost. Among the most common rhinoplasty techniques without surgery, we can mention the following:


1- Nose lift using thread


2- Filler injection to remove the hump of the nose


3- Botox injection to remove drooping of the tip of the nose


4- Rhinoplasty with a plasmajet device to reduce and lift the nose


There are different methods for rhinoplasty, including using a laser or injecting fat into the nose. The use of laser during nose job can only reduce its complications, but it is not used alone to shape the structure and size of the nose.


In fat injection, first, fat cells are extracted from other parts of the body such as flanks and abdomen, and after extraction, they will be injected in the nose. However, in most cases, this method does not have good results and is not approved by doctors.



Advantages of rhinoplasty without surgery
The use of multiple rhinoplasty techniques without surgery has the advantage that a person can return to his normal activities in a short period of time. These techniques have a very short recovery period and will not have special side effects, but the result of rhinoplasty without nose surgery lasts for a short time.


For example, injecting filler into the nose is effective for up to one year, and after that you must also do training sessions. In fact, non-surgical rhinoplasty does not treat structural problems of the nose such as breathing disorders. If you have a goal other than beauty, you should definitely do the surgery.


Complications of rhinoplasty without surgery
The nose has a very complex blood supply and a set of small arteries and veins are located in it and these arteries are connected to the eyes. If the gel is injected into the nose by a person who does not have a full understanding of the anatomy of the nose, it will not only lead to side effects and risks including vascular damage, skin necrosis and infection, but will also cause blindness.


If the gel injection is performed by a specialist doctor who has sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of cosmetic surgery and nasal structure, this method is safe. If non-surgical rhinoplasty is not performed correctly and under the supervision of a specialist, a person may face the following serious complications:


1- Fever and chills


2- Displacement of the gel and damage to the structure of the nose


3- Blurred vision


4- Increased swelling and redness of the skin


5- Severe vascular complications


6- Tissue necrosis


7- Complete loss of vision


Suitable candidate for rhinoplasty without surgery
First of all, the specialist doctor performs the necessary examinations and examines the internal structure of the nose and its appearance. People who have defects in the middle nasal septum, nasal passages and nasal tip cannot use this method.


Because even if the appearance of the nose is corrected, the structural problems are still not solved and after some time they have to do the nose job. The specialist doctor must first control the appearance of the nose and fix minor defects.


For example, if your nose is fleshy, but you have a beautiful nose structure and your only problem is that the wings are bulky, rhinoplasty without surgery is suitable, but if there are many structural problems of the nose, these methods will certainly not work. For example, the hump of the nose can only be removed through surgery, because a lot of fat must be injected in the depression, but it will not have a good result.


Dr. Karamatullah Torabi, the best plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Tehran, performs rhinoplasty without nose surgery in the best way for you.


Care after rhinoplasty without surgery
Considering that in this rhinoplasty, surgery is not performed on the nose, so there is no special recovery period, because no wound is created on the nose and the risk of bleeding, infection and scar formation does not threaten you.


In addition, because the structure of the nose is not manipulated through surgery, you do not need to wait for several months until your nose is not affected.



In non-surgical rhinoplasty, you only need to take the care recommendations seriously for a maximum of one week to stabilize the shape of your nose.


Summary of contents


Rhinoplasty without surgery is one of the best techniques to shape the structure of the nose and fix its drooping. There are thread nose lifts, botox injections, filler injections and the use of a plasma jet machine to shrink the nose. With all the benefits that this method brings, you should also pay attention to its side effects.


In order to perform this surgery, you must visit a skilled doctor who is fully familiar with many techniques. Dr. Karamatullah Torabi, a specialist in plastic and reconstructive surgery, performs this procedure without complications such as infection and bleeding.

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